Eighner's Florist |
Eighner's Florist is a full-service florist that can brighten any occasion with the beauty and scent of fresh flowers. Whether it be a memorial service for someone you love, or the celebration of your daughter's wedding, our knowledgeable and friendly staff can help. Come visit our big and beautiful storefront with a wide variety of plants, blooming plants, dish gardens, gifts, decor, plush, baskets, specialty vases, and more. We also create beautiful fruit and gourmet baskets, gift baskets, corsages, boutonnières, and hand-tied bouquets. Call or come in, we're right across the street from the Homewood Public Library. Let our 50+ years of knowledge and experience help you make the perfect choice. Mention this HBA ad and your first bouquet of cut flowers with be $5.00 off (cash and carry only). We look forward to meeting you!!!